John William Armstrong
William Young Duggan
James Arthur Harwood
Gerald Francis Kinsman
Eleanor Ardel Vietti
Jack Columbus Rittichier
Ronald Wayne Forrester
Frank Clifford Green, Jr.
Remembering Fellow Texans
Jack Columbus Rittichier: Defining A Hero
In Loving Memory: Gerber, Mitchell, and Vietti
Ronald Wayne Forrester: Semper Fidelis
William Charles Dunlap : Repatriated MIA
North Texas Student Casualties of the two World Wars
How To Help
John William Armstrong
James Arthur Harwood
Gerlad Francis Kinsman
Eleanor Ardel Vietti
Jack Columbus Rittichier
Ronald Wayne Forrester
Frank Clifford Green, Jr.
William Charles Dunlap: Repatriated MIA
Jack Columbus Rittichier : Defining a hero
Ronald Wayne Forrester : Semper Fedilis
In loving memory : Gerber, Mitchell, and Vietti
POW Returnees and Escapees
Texas' Korean and Vietnam War POW/MIAs
North Texas State University's student casualties
The column that wasn't meant to be
A character profile about me
Forty Years Later
Poems in honor of Mitchell, Vietti, and Gerber
Military poems written by me
America: The good neighbour
I remember ...
Resourceful external links
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How you can help
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