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korean war pow-mia-kia/bnr

[ view list ] The list of Texans still unaccounted for from the Korean War was generated by the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office's website on 17 October 00. The count total is 462; one of these fine men was returned home in 1994. Due to the number of men on the list, the list is divided into five pages. Please note that this list includes all persons declared unaccounted for at the end of the war, even the ones who have since been returned. It does not, however, include persons killed in the war whose remains were recovered prior to the war's end. I do not have bio pages on these men because I have no information about them. If you have any and are willing to share, please do. I would be honored to create a tribute/memorial to them on my site!

vietnam war pow-mia-kia/bnr

[ view list ] While surfing POW/MIA related websites one day, I happened upon two separate web pages which had a list of Texans still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. The problem I encountered was that the numbers from the two lists did not match. I set out to make a comprehensive list from a combination of these two lists, weeding out those returned home -- either alive or dead -- as well as those who were not Texans by birth or residence (home city of record), and, in one case, a person who was listed as AWOL. I continued to take off the names of those men whose remains had been returned and identified since I began the list (sometime in 2000).

In February of 2004, I received an e-mail from the wife of one of the men whose name I had removed. His remains had been returned and identified, but the identification was disputed. She wanted to know why her husband was not on my list. To prevent this error from happening again, I downloaded the PMSEA database of all Texans who were unaccounted for at war's end, and added in all the names not on my list. Please note that this list includes all persons declared unaccounted for at the end of the war, even the ones who have since been returned. It does not, however, include persons killed in the war whose remains were recovered prior to the war's end. If a person has been returned, it is is noted on their bio page.

SEPTEMEBER 2018: Please note that there are issues with most of the bio pages. I do not know what happened to them, but I am slowly working on repairing them all. I left the hyperlinks to their bios in place, but note that for now, they will direct you to a 'file cannot be found' error page. Thank you for your patience.

status meanings

NBD stands stands for Non-Battle Death; PFD stands for Presumptive Finding of Death; K/BNR stands for Killed/Body Not Recovered (such as a non-combat related death where the person is known dead but the body was not recoverable); KIA/BNR (a sub-category of K/BNR) stands for Killed In Action/Body Not Recovered. Furthermore, K/BNR has also been used with POW/MIA who have died in captivity.