oreilly-fire.com site of the month award

This is to notify you that the Award Committee of O'Reilly-Fire.com has selected "Defining A Hero" as the recipient of the O'Reilly-Fire.com Site Of The Month Award for the month of May, 2004.

The purpose of the Site of the Month Award given by O'Reilly-Fire.com is to honor those websites whose contributions to the internet benefit the online community. Design, content, organization, and interest level are some of the criteria used when a site is considered for this Award.

Your award is attached and can be posted on your site if you so desire. When you add your award to your site, please remember to link back to http://www.oreilly-fire.com.

O'Reilly-Fire.com wishes to Congratulate "Defining A Hero from Stacey N. Jones" on a JOB WELL DONE. Thank you for your great contribution to the internet community!

O'Reilly-Fire.com Award Committee

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